
My passion – intombi

intombi girls from Mubuga in Rwanda celebrate 10 years intombi

This week, it’s all about supporting the passion of girls around the world and putting their unbeatable potential to the fore and celebration. That’s exactly what intombi stands for. And now for 10 years! Every day we introduce another person from the intombi team who shares this passion. # girlsforgirls10years


intombi turns 10 years old!

intombi means “girl” in the South African language Xhosa. By working with the girls in different countries, we became aware: girls often have a big, not sufficiently promoted potential to make a difference. Above all, they can do one thing: change the world!

A lot has happened in 10 years. Besides individual projects in recent years in Togo, Ecuador and India long-term girl groups in South Africa, Rwanda and Cologne were established. set up. Personally, our work is for and especially with girls. You can independently in the intombi projects as they wish. Across borders intombi additionally offers girls the opportunity for digital exchange about the design of her future on the #girlsforgirls blog.

intombi turns 10 years old!

intombi accompanies Charlotte already her Half life

Charlotte (17 years) from Pulheim, has been with intombi since she was 8 years old. “So, I was still relatively small when I came to intombi and I thought the idea of “girls for girls” was really great and that motivated me.

Upon my experiences I think that you take something from every single intombi-blog-article with you, which can be quite helpful at a later point of time. The message “Girls for girls” also gives me, and I think a lot of other girls and women, already a bit more self-confidence and cohesion. The message “Girls for girls” also gives me, and I think a lot of other girls and women, self-confidence and cohesion. Self-confidence and cohesion.


This is how I experienced #girlsforgirls

A few years ago, we had the opportunity to donate clothes for girls in Rwanda and to give to an intombi volunteer. Together with my mother I searched directly for a few nice clothes together, including my favourite jacket I was outgrown. I wrote a letter with a greeting and attached it to the jacket. A few weeks after we gave away our box of clothes, a letter arrived from Rwanda. A 13-year-old girl from Rwanda had got my favourite jacket and read the letter. She had sent me a letter directly back. What was written on paper in the past is now written digitally on our #girlsforgirls blog on in an easy and fast way!

What went on paper then goes digital today on our #girlsforgirls blog on an easy and fast way!


intombi anniversary photo exhibition


Invitation to photo exhibition & blogger event

Expect you:

♥ Photos by star photographer André Josselin ♥ an exciting program ♥ great goodies & surprises

With us, like the girls from Rwanda, you can become a blogger. Of course, everything for free.

Click here for the event page. Come by, bring someone and celebrate 10 years with us. Intombi.


My association with intombi

I associate a lot with intombi. I think it’s especially great that you help other people and that you mutually supportive. In the context of intombi I met very nice people and learned from their experiences. It was and still is very nice to see how intombi grows and new ideas and projects are developed as a group.

This is what I wish intombi

It would be great if even more people become a part of intombi, so that even more great projects can arise.

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Lea is working for intombi in South Africa

“One memory I associate with intombi is my first working day at the office in Cologne. Like probably everyone on his /her first day at work, I was a little nervous. I only had a rough idea of what to expect. But when I arrived in Cologne, all the staff welcomed me in a friendly and appreciative manner. I never even had the feeling that I was “only” an intern. Everyone works together as a team, supporting each other and thus profiting from each other. It shows me that you can do much more with a work at eye level”. Lea (22 years old) from Münster is studying social work and is currently in her practical semester in Cape Town. Here she works in the girls’ hostel Ons Plek with me.


I’d rather take a chance than regret not having dared.  


In the future I would like to contribute to gender equality.

Already after my interview I was enthusiastic about what intombi stands for as an organization. I think it’s great how intombi stands up for gender equality. intombi offers girls support and a platform. Through my work in the office in Cologne I could see with which passion all employees pursue the goal to accompany girls on their way, to strengthen them and to provide opportunities for them. As a prospective social worker (woman and feminist) I hope to be able to make a small contribution to gender equality in the future.


That is how I see intombi in the future

“Working in the girls’ hostel allowed me to learn a lot about social work in another country and the cultural, educational and social differences that go with it. The girls showed me how much strength they and the local women have, especially when the past has demanded a lot from them.

I see intombi in the future as a successful, goal-oriented NGO that is biased towards girls. I am convinced that intombi will continue to grow in the future thanks to the commitment of all its employees, volunteers and authors and that it will thus more and more girls (worldwide).” Lea has already published the article “Am I ready for the in which she reminds us of her worries and her time in the in South Africa. She also gave us her first weeks in South Africa in a Take Over taken on our Instagram Channel to get from their first impressions in Cape Town and her first working days at the girls’ hostel.


Lea has the intombi-Passion fever gripped

The nice thing about this story is that we at intombi and you as a reader can experience a really great development of Lea up close. Lea was infected by the intombi passion fever. We are very grateful to Lea for her engagement in Cape Town and are happy that she will stay with us in the new year as a very valuable support in the office in Cologne. We will therefore continue to be on Lea’s path. So, you can look forward to hearing more from her soon.

Lea sends us all the best wishes for the 10th anniversary from Cape Town

Ruth founded a girls’ group in Rwanda

After the visit of intombi’s founder Alex and André Josselin to Rwanda in March, Ruth was so enthusiastic about the idea behind intombi that she founded her own intombi group in Mubuga. She told us what she has in common with intombi. “At intombi you help each other, without any expectations. One supports each other in achieving one’s dreams and goals. We advise each other – thereby we learn independence and confidence.

intombi is about the way the life stories of girls are shared all over the world. The aim is a successful start for the girls’ lives. I think it is great how intombi makes girls to be proud of themselves and to have self-confidence and to build this up independently from others. “


I hope that intombi will be spread in many countries of the world.


Maybe you recognize Ruth? She can be seen on our invitation for the anniversary photo exhibition.

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What is actually the origin of intombi?

“Driven by doing something cool and meaningful, I always wanted to start something on my own. I can’t stand it very well if potential is not promoted. So, I was always ready to get started. If you first bring out the potentials of something or someone and give them a chance, you experience a true unfolding miracle.

I see potential in the individual person but also in working together and for one another. I believe in a global togetherness. Through intombi I learn a lot and I like to create something. I find it very exciting to build my own organisation”, says Alexandra Potratz, founder of intombi.


But Alex wasn’t alone …

On a joint trip to South Africa with their then fellow student Irene and after the time in a joint internship in the girls’ hostel Ons Plek in Cape Town, the two decided to found an association. With the help of a hint, the name of the association intombi, which means “girl” in the South African language Xhosa, was quickly decided.

Back in Germany Alex and Irene founded the girls association intombi e.V. together with other members. “I remember so many special moments. Our first trip together to South Africa, where intombi was born. Our trip to Runda, where we experienced first-hand how the girls got their goats. We saw what we could all do together,” Irene remembers.


We drive innovative things forward in the social field.


The passion for commitment became the intombi passion

Irene further tells that “from a small spark that was ignited in our time in South Africa in the girls’ hostel, my passion for intombi grew just like intombi as an association. My passion for commitment and especially for girls. In 10 years I see intombi much bigger. That we in Cologne are an even bigger institution than we already are. We have already enjoyed networking worldwide. There will be a lot of innovation to pick up the girls where they’re best to be found. I see us more effectively than we already are today.”


10 years have passed since the company was founded. 10 years full of great milestones, in which one thing has always been in focus: to strengthen and support girls individually worldwide. This weekend we will look back on this time and on every single moment together with all participants.


You as a reader are also a part of it. Come to our photo exhibition on Saturday. All important dates you will find above in the text. We would be very happy about your visit.

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Every day this week we introduce you to another person from the worldwide intombi team. Learn more about the different actors and their personal stories in which intombi plays an important role.


What do you associate with intombi? What do you wish for girls?

Your intombi team


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