
The dream of a driving license


Hi, this is Madi! 🙂 My future dreams are to get my driver’s license and have my own car. I have this goal because I am tired of coming late on so many days because the bus or the train is late. I achieve my whish by sticking to it an practicing a lot.


Soon we’ll be flying to school? 😉

They are working on alternative means of transport. For example, independently driving cars or even independently flying are being developed

What do you think? Soon we won’t be driving ourselves anymore and we’ll need no driver’s license anymore?

  My challenge: Final enemy driving test

When the teachers’ complaints about my delay became more and more frequent, it became clear to me: I will get my driver’s license! One hurdle could be the exam I have to pass. It might be harder than I thought. I’m a little afraid of not passing the exam and never having a driver’s license.


Driver’s license – that awaits you:

The most important information’s about the driving test:

  • Costs: about 1.200 € to 1.800 €
  • Two parts:
    • Theoretical examination
      • at the earliest 3 months before the 17th birthday
      • 30 questions “multiple choice”
      • maximum of ten failure points
      • you have three attemps
      • takes about 45 minutes
    • Practical examination
      • at the earliest one months before the 17th birthday
      • after passing the theoretical examination
      • within twelve months after the theoretical examination
      • takes about 45 minutes
      • accompanied driving until completion of 18 years of age

You can find more information here.

My #girlsforgirls tip to you girls is:

Always hold on to your dreams, whether you’re laughed at or not. Keep telling yourself that you can make it and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t or that something is too expensive for you!


Financial tips for your driver’s license:

  • Create a savings plan in good time, which should include the following:
    • Cost planning: How much money do you expect to need in total for theory and practice? You’d better plan a little more than too little. 🙂
    • Scheduling: When do you have to pay? By when do you want how much money?
    • Fundraising: How will you cover the costs? Side jobs, holiday jobs, gifts, saved money

  • Compare offer of driving schools in your area.
  • Timely investment of an extra savings account or piggy bank
  • Allow time for learning the theoretical and practical exams so that there are nor additional costs associated with repeating the exams

You can do anything you set your mind to and someday you’ll be proud to say:

“I did it! I have my driver’s license!” 🙂

I advise everyone else with the same dream of a driver’s license to practice.

You want to get your driver’s license? Why do you find it (not) important to have one?

Yours, Madi


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