My passion: Love to Write

Photo: Jessica Leona

The passion of words. This is a special ability that can trigger a great deal. The authors of this PassionWeek are not only eloquent, they can also put their innermost thoughts on paper in such a way that you dive into a completely different world. Whether poems, urban fantasy novels or thrillers – their passion is writing to express themselves and to move and touch other people.

On the best way to become an average commercial lawyer, Jessica has listened to her heart

Jessica (28 years old) from Cologne has initiated a complete turnaround in her life. Caused by a good portion of energy and daring she left behind what wasn´t really true from the beginning:

Actually, when I was five, I already knew what I wanted to become later. Back then I loved leafing through children´s books and creating my own little stories about the colorful pictures. When my big sister taught me how to read, I was terribly disappointed. The real stories of the books were very different from what I had imagined. I found my own narratives, which were the result of my fantasy, so much better. That was the moment I decided: One day I will be a writer.

The courage to be yourself

The future path was mapped out and triggered a state of irrepressible anticipation in me. However, as so often happens in life, this firm decision of a five-year-old was lost more and more over time. In the primary school it was repeatedly noted that I was too dreamy and yet should participate more in the lessons. In secondary school the complaints were loud that I was too focused on life outside of school and not ambitious enough. The more criticism was levelled at me, the more I threatened to slip away from mediocrity. It became increasingly uncertain who I really am and whether the strength I had assumed so far was no strength at all.

I had trained myself to be a hopeless dreamer.

Adjustment to the majority

Over time, I began to give in to the pressure. To adapt more and more. I stopped dreaming of a writer’s existence and joined the masses. But from time to time there were also those little moments when memories of it germinated. I always achieved my best grades in the German courses. Be it interpretations of novels, the production of lyrical texts or the analysis of documents of any kind – wherever words had the greatest weight, I felt at home. What I kept to myself, however, and repressed myself shortly afterwards. I had trained myself to be a hopeless dreamer.

The way out of disorientation

After the high school graduation, I was then understandably absolutely aimless, how it should go on. The first year was characterized by the Try-and-Error principle. I slowly felt my way forward in order to “find” a direction. Finally, I ended up on a scientific path that was not mine. It was to be a bachelor’s degree in business law. In the search for structure, that seemed to make a lot of sense. Nothing conveys more structure than the schemata of law.

But to study something I didn’t have a passion for demanded a lot from me. I wanted to prove to everyone around me, but especially to myself, that I was intelligent enough to do it. I drew strength from the hunger for recognition, but also from my companions who sat in a boat with me. Without the people at my side I would hardly have finished my studies.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.“

African proverb

On paper I was a successful commercial lawyer, but when I thought that I would also be out in the real world, my neck hair stood up. Suddenly I realized the importance of my decisions. This was now the time to lay the foundations for my career ladder and, even more importantly, to find a place in the right field.

After extensive research, I started a year of journalistic training to train my writing skills. So, I sold it to all those who wondered why I didn’t dive into the master’s project unchecked or start a trainee in one of the large companies. I kept quiet about the fact that I had decided to change direction and had already embarked on a completely new path. I wanted to take the first steps on the unknown route without suddenly being confronted with the opinions of other people.

In the beginning was the word

In addition to my continuing education, I began to write. Every few months a whole notebook was filled with thoughts, ideas, inspirations and puns. I published the first articles under pseudonyms and got good feedback. The first poems were written. I had found the place for my laying of the foundation stone. Hardly anything else has ever given me such a good feeling. When I get an idea, I start to write and after finishing I read the written texts, I have a smile on my face that is second to none.

However, most of my writing activities remained a secret. Every now and then I mentioned that I was writing a little on the side, but I did it more as a hobby myself.

Courage-building phase and self-confidence building

It took more than a quarter of a century until I had the courage and self-confidence together to take my real path. It took me another three years to tell my family and closest friends about it and present the first small book project to them. It was the step that cost me the most overcoming in my life. But it is also the risk that fills me with the most pride.

The encouragement and strengthening of my family were the most valuable thing I have ever received. Of course, there will always be critics and some people who don’t like what you do. But as soon as you are sure who you are and where you want to go, nothing can really throw you off track so quickly.

My #girlsforgirls tipp:

I hope that this article will give other creative people the courage to venture into the public eye with their talents and works. Don’t waste as much time on excuses as I did. If you actually already know what your passion is. In any case, I can’t wait to write your imaginative words as inspiration in my notebooks.

Jessica’s Motto: „Creativity takes courage“ (Henri Matisse)

Creative and writing competition for girls and young women on the subject of values, fundamental rights and democracy

You want to decide freely what you believe, how you want to live? Meet others on an equal footing and be accepted as you are? Free to say your own opinion? What is worth something to you? LizzyNet and the Ministry of Homeland, Municipal, Construction and Equality launch creative and writing competition. LizzyNet is an information portal for girls and young women with information and news on a variety of topics.

What are you doing for? What must a society be in which you feel well looked after and accepted? And what can we do better together?

Join in – show what you can and win a prize money

Write stories about solidarity, essays on equality or draw comics about respect. Show how inequality can affect or how cohesion is possible.

Girls and young women between the ages of 12 and 26 years can participate. Both individuals and groups can participate. Submission deadline is February 3rd, 2020. Find out more here.

For the best contributions, the Ministry of Homeland, Municipal, Construction and Equal Opportunity of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia awards cash prizes worth a total of 2,000 euros. In addition, there is also the possibility for groups to win book prizes.


As a young author, Antonia lives her dream

The 20-year-old author Antonia Wesseling from Cologne, has already started writing in elementary school. In recent years, several books have appeared by her. “Until now, it was Urban Fantasy novels and a silent thriller, but soon I would like to venture into other genres,” says the young author.

My passion is to tell stories

“I often try to explain that to people, but non-writers often find it difficult to understand, I can not help it, these ideas are in my head, and if I do not write them down, I can not rest my stories are authentic and coherent, readers should feel in a different world and / or role while reading, regardless of genre.

To reach as many people as possible is my goal and at the same time my challenge

Of course I want to reach more readers with my stories. But the book market is highly competitive and it is difficult to assert oneself there. I will not give up.

My #girlsforgirls tipp: Stay tuned! And in any case when writing do not always think about the publication. Far too often I get questions from children and adolescents, even though they are writing the second chapter. Focus on the NOW! Otherwise you lose the joy of it too fast.

intombi #girlsforgirls tipp

If you’re having trouble finding a topic that you want to write about or do not know how to overcome a writer’s block, we’d like to recommend our how to blog and write column. In this MJ tells you every month how to write lyrics – whether online or offline. She has worked in several editorial departments and started her studies in applied linguistics, journalism and sociology. In each episode, she treats a topic and gives valuable tips that also help her to write. An absolute recommendation, just to get started. 🙂

Passion – Raffle: Write your story

Win a notebook from DESIGN LETTERS. With this personal companion, you can capture flashes of inspiration, build castles in the air, make plans and just write down what else is important to you. As beautiful as life. As versatile as you. Answer the following question in the comments and you’re in:

What is important to you in a good story?

You can participate until Friday, November 22, 2019 – 12:00 o’clock. The winner will be randomly selected and contacted by message. Fingers crossed. Participation is possible from the age of 14, legal recourse is excluded.

This PassionWeek has shown what an inpiring state can be when you indulge in the words. The words develop a life of their own and a story emerges that makes you forget everything around you. This ability of our authors is very valuable, because they have found themselves and their own passion. It also shows us that each of us can write a story. The beginning can be hard, but everything is possible and a start anytime feasible. Maybe the creative and writing contest is a good opportunity for you to start?

How about you? Write dear words or speak words? What is important to you in a good story?

Yours intombi team


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