At the moment everything is upside down due to the effects of the corona virus. School and universities are closed. Internships can’t be completed anymore and if you’re lucky you can work from home without any problems. But some are in great existential fear, for which there will not be any solution soon. And the concern for our own health and that of our fellow human beings lays heavily on our shoulders. Every hour the news keeps us busy and the trick is to keep calm and make the best of the situation.
We at intombi are here for you especially now! We try to focus on our strengths in this difficult situation and last week asked the community the following: Does the corona virus endanger your passion? How do you manage to live out your passion despite the corona virus? And the answers to this are impressive. This PassionWeek we present three chances on your passion in quarantine. Follow us on Instagram too. Here we will post videos of our Passion-Queens every day.
.1. Structure in everyday life – These tips will help you to live out your passion
Our survey of the intombi community not only resulted in a collection of numerous tips and motivating words, we also learned exciting passion stories.
.Despite quarantine, I don’t give up my passion
Sina is 22 years old and is currently doing an internship in Edinburgh, Scotland. “When I got here at the end of February, my biggest concern was aloneness. Now, a month later, the facility where I work has closed. Despite the quarantine, I decided to stay here and work from home, which is my shared apartment. The view outside the window reminds me every day why I decided to come here last year and why I don’t want to give up my passion, despite everything,” she tells us.
.Knitting against boredom in quarantine – Katja always has something to do
“Whoever is you bored right now because he is not supposed to leave the house, definitely can’t knit yet! Because we knitters never have boredom. The question is always more: What do I knit next?
It certainly doesn’t have to be anything sophisticated at the beginning like a headband or a sock, but if you start with thick wool and first knit a scarf – you have a great start. There are numerous instructions on this on YouTube. I learned knitting with Elizza five years ago and I promise you: you can knit faster than you can think! And then soon, like me, you can knit baby socks for a friend as a postnatal gift. There is no better feeling than carrying your own knitted things or giving them away. There are no limits to knitting. Choose your favourite material, colour, pattern and you’re ready to go.” reveals Katja, 28 years old, from Recklinghausen, who shares her great knitting results on her Instagram profile!
.Yoga in quarantine – Hannah shows you her yoga basics
Sport and exercise were also frequent answers to our question. With exercise you can find balance, stay fit and also take your mind off things. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a real workout, yoga or a nice walk – the main point is to activate the body. Even if it’s especially difficult to overcome one’s weaker self at home, we are sure that even a little exercise can really do wonders. Hannah (24 years old from Cologne) started yoga not long ago and can currently no longer go to her beloved yoga studio. Now for the first time and especially for this PassionWeek she has recorded a short yoga session for beginners. Watch her video and just join in. Everyone can do it and we promise you: After that you will be really well.
.Be inspired by the tips of our Passion-Queens in quarantine in the picture gallery
Don’t let cabin fever get to you
All tips have one thing in common. They provide a structure and routine. And these two things are especially important now when we can no longer do what we normally do in our everyday life. Because honestly … having a few days off is really nice. But without the familiar environment, friends and family, it can quickly get boring.
► Neue Rezepte ausprobieren: Du speicherst Dir immer wieder Rezepte ab, um sie am Ende doch nicht zu kochen? Nun kannst du genau das nachholen. Guten Appetit! ► Bücher-, Kleider- und Schuhschrank ausmisten: Das schafft nicht nur Ordnung Zuhause, sondern auch im eigenen Kopf. ► Eine Morgen- und Abendroutine einführen: Nun hast du Zeit um Gewohnheit zu festigen. Wie wäre es mit Yoga jeden morgen, einen Tee in der Sonne trinken oder Abends das aufzuschreiben, was an diesem Tag besonders schön war. Egal was es ist. Um so häufiger etwas gemacht wird, umso einfacher wird es in den Tag zu starten oder diesen zu beenden. ► Nicht nur konsumieren, sondern produzieren: Jetzt ist die Zeit um kreativ zu werden. Egal ob Tagebuch schreiben, ein Hörbuch aufnehmen oder etwas handwerkliches machen. ► Pause feiern: Freue Dich über die Zeit, die Du nun zum Musik hören kannst oder um aus dem Fenster zu schauen. Stille ist Luxus. ( THE REAL SHIFT)
2. Social commitment – This is how you can offer your support
➤ Corona School Germany. Learning support for pupils by students
You are sitting at home on your quarantine learning material and nobody can really help you? The Corona School can support you. Here you can get help with your homework from registered students. But what if you are on a semester break or the university has just closed, and you still want to do something useful? Then register as a helper at the Corona School and help students with their homework.
We interviewed Luise (23 years old from Bonn), who is currently doing her master’s studies in psychology, about her engagement in the Corona School. “A friend and I were thinking that schoolchildren need help right now and that we as students can now provide it well. For us, the university is also cancelled currently. I am committed because I think that everyone can and should take on social responsibility in any way that is possible for them and make a contribution to improving the situation in the Corona crisis.
.What does the assistance look like in practice?
Every assistance is very individual. I am currently helping a fifth grader in German. Usually it works in such a way that the students send me the tasks they have to work on via WhatsApp beforehand. In the lesson we work on these tasks together and then discuss them. Questions can then be asked directly, and I try to answer them. If I don’t know something, I read up on it and then let her or him know. Sometimes we play a game related to the subject. It is important to me that the pupil feels well cared for and can ask his or her questions at any time.
.Necessity is the mother of invention – A social start-up is founded
The Corona School was founded by four young men. But by this time Lukas, Christopher, Gero, and Tobi are not alone. In a very short time, a huge team behind Corona School has emerged from boys and girls who program, screen students, manage social media and do a lot more on a voluntary basis. The service is completely free of charge and the assisting students are verified beforehand in a personal conversation.
.Photo: Corona School Photo: Luisa Photo: Corona School
➤ GoVolunteer. Get involved with Germany’s largest auxiliary community
The GoVolunteer team of seven experts will keep you up to date in times of the corona virus. They show you initiatives that provide help for those who are affected, as well as ways you can help from home. In addition, they provide links to reliable sources of information. All content is carefully reviewed by GoVolunteer experts.
.➤ Neighbourly help can be simple as that
There are people in the risk group living in your house or in your neighbourhood and you are wondering how and if you can help? There are now many neighbourly help groups for towns, cities and neighbourhoods to help each other out, such as on Facebook.
With a notice in which you offer your help you can help directly. We have created a template for your house or neighbourhood that you can easily download here, print out and hang up.
. .3. Staying in touch – together one is less alone
Staying involuntarily at home can arouse strong emotions. These are completely normal reactions to this abnormal situation. You are not alone. Use your social contacts to exchange regularly with your friends, family members or acquaintances. And if only about the weather. Have you ever tried videotelephony with your whole gang? It’s super fun. Together you can chat, play games, sing, dance … anything you can think of. Try it. You and your friends will certainly not regret it.
If you live with someone, whether with family, partner or flat mate, then play a board game again. For Scattergory, for example, you only need paper and pen. We are also providing 5 questions for endless conversation that you can ask yourself and also friends and family members, for example digitally or on the phone.
.5 questions for endless conversations during the corona quarantine
- What are the three things that energize you the most?
- With your current state of knowledge, what would you have done differently?
- What would you like to have achieved in exactly one year?
- What keeps you awake at night?
- What will you do for the first time in your life? (Source: Vertellis)
In case you feel alone, or you have worries. We have put together important telephone numbers and contact points that you can use free of charge and anonymously at any time
Nummer gegen Kummer (number against grief) For children and adolescents – Telephone: 116 111 For parents – Telephone: 0800 111 055 0
Telephone counselling: Telephone: 0800 111 0 111 or 0800 111 0 222 or 116 123 Chat, email and other consulting services are available here
Help hotline violence against women: Telephone: 0800 0 116 016 Chat, email and other consulting services in several languages are available here.
u25 Gelsenkirchen and Germany – crisis aid via chat: Adolescents help adolescents being in life crises and having suicidal thoughts in a chat.
Help hotline “Pregnant women in need”: Phone: 0800 011 6016
How do you live out your passion in quarantine? Share your tips with us in the comments.
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