
Despite of fears: This is why Lin hikes the Camino on her own

Despite of fears: This is why Lin hikes the Camino on her own Photo Loneliness. Before she hiked the the Camino, Lin struggled to be alone. Now she needs exactly that for herself. In this article you will learn more about Lin and her passion: Hiking solo. On the Camino. Do you quickly feel alone, or is “Being alone” perhaps exactly what you are looking for? Let Lin inspire you, here you can find out more about her journey to finding herself:

I am Lin, 27 years old and I live near Cologne. I do feel most at home and free, though, when I am travelling on the Camino. I work in a rather conservative profession, as an insurance and finance clerk. As a deputy team lead, I am working a lot with people. In my free time, I do strength and endurance sports. My friends and family are very important to me. Before my travels on the Camino, I found it difficult to be alone. I really enjoyed having visitors over every day. But now, I also need time on my own.

Does being alone also mean being lonely? Very clearly: NO!

I have to say: My first Camino was the Camino Portugues. Here no-one is really alone, even when they started the journey on their own. In autumn 2020, I decided fairly spontaneously to set out on the pilgrimage from my front door to Santiago de Compostela. During this journey I was not only alone, but also lonely in certain situations. Alone with myself I was on the hiking trails. Here I inevitably had to deal with my thoughts, feelings and emotions. The loneliness came to me though from time to time at my destinations, where I sat in cafes on my own from the early afternoon, went to dinner alone and couldn’t talk to anyone about my experiences. The afternoons dragged on a lot, so whenever possible (as far as the height of the pandemic allowed) I took the opportunity to spend the night in private homes and attend family dinners there.

”Being lonely sometimes” as a learning

However, I do think being alone temporarily, can be a great learning experience. But first, to the more populated Caminos: Here too, I quickly learned that I often times like walking alone and also prefer an hour or so of alone time in the accommodation in the afternoon. This is widely accepted by the other pilgrims and doesn’t require any explanation. After a few days, I fall into a kind of meditation and only feel like I’m walking the first and last few kilometres. For me this is the most pure form of relaxation.

The difference between loneliness and being alone for me is: being alone is a fact and the loneliness is a “cold” feeling in which I long to have someone with me.

That’s why Lin prefers to hike alone

I can tell you exactly why I started out alone for the first time: I thought it would be an “extreme situation” for me and I did not additionally want to deal with other people’s problems and “aches and pains”. I’ve read in forums that this often leads to disagreements in friendships and relationships.
Afterwards, I learned that I don’t hike alone at all. I just start alone, but I usually get to know like-minded people very quickly. As there are a very special kind of people traveling on the Camino, everyone communicates very easily with each other and recognized quickly whether it’s a good fit or not. I am not dependent on anyone, but I still enjoy the most beautiful form of loving others.
In autumn 2022, after a 10 week break from pilgrimage, I went back for another almost 4 week long journey on the Camino, and a dear Follower named Sabrina was keen to join me from the beginning, as she felt very lonely on the first stretch of the journey here in Germany. We made certain agreements and I defined very clearly that I am still a “solo pilgrim” and do not take over any responsibility. Nevertheless, one suddenly starts wondering if the fellow pilgrim, who still needs a few kilometres, will get a bed in the same accommodation etc. Fortunately, Sabrina and I harmonized very well. We had already been in close contact for 2 years via Instagram and phone. Nevertheless I would say I am more focused on my own.
Also I’ve noticed, especially in cafés and restaurants here in Germany, that I am seemingly more open-minded when I am sitting somewhere on my own, which leads to really nice conversations with other people.

The biggest challenge when starting off alone

The first time I started alone, there were insecurities. The fear of having to face all the hurdles alone. Having to bear my “suffering” alone if I couldn’t find an accommodation for example. After gaining some experience, though, here in Germany and at the beginning of France, only these challenges remained:

  • I did not have any fellow pilgrims who had tips for everything revolving the hike
  • Hang-outs in the afternoons and evenings were missing
  • There was no-one to share with Because on busy routes you can be sure to get a cream or something similar from a fellow pilgrim. That way I didn’t have to be prepared for all eventualities all the time.

Lin’s passion includes: The simplicity, charity, deceleration and freedom

As a child I saw a documentary and said: “I want to do a long-distance hike like that”. 2019 I then started on the Camino Portugues. I thought elven days would be a reasonable goal. Well, and then it just happened: I liked the simplicity, the charity, the deceleration and the freedom so much that I fell into the so-called Camino Blues as soon as I was back home. I was so overcome with longing that I said I wanted to go on another pilgrimage. That’s when I booked a flight for 2020 to Madrid to start from Leon. Two weeks before the flight, another lockdown came and the flight was cancelled. Without further ado I decided to start the path from my front door. A total of five, multiple weeks lasting stages, and almost exactly two years later I ended in Burgos. And here I am today. A few days ago I booked my travels to Burgos for the end of May 2023, and will end this long physical and mental journey, and perhaps even extend it in a special way.

Diese große Entscheidung habe ich auf dem Jakobsweg getroffen:

Seit ich denken kann ist für mich klar: Ich möchte Kinder. Das klassische Modell ist Mutter, Vater, Kind. Nach vielen Jahren konnte ich mir nach einigen Gesprächen mit Mitpilgern endlich eingestehen, dass ich gar keinen Mann möchte. 2021 habe ich mit meiner lieben Mitpilgerin Bea viel über das Thema gesprochen und zurück zu Hause fügte sich plötzlich ein Puzzle zusammen. Nach ersten Gesprächen mit Freunden und den ersten Gesprächen in einer Kinderwunschklinik gehe ich nun den Weg der Solo-Mutterschaft. Und siehe da: Ich habe mir umsonst sorgen gemacht „Was würden die Anderen denken“, denn ich habe durchweg nur positive Resonanzen erhalten.

This is why Lin prefers to hike alone

My everyday life is often stressful and I have a lot of responsibility at different levels. When I am alone on the Camino, though, I don’t have many tasks and responsibilities. The main job is the monotonous walking. Additionally, I have to eat, drink, find an accommodation and do my laundry. That’s it!
Through conversations and self reflection I have learned a few things on the Camino:

  • How important I am to myself
  • WHow simple life can be
  • That I don’t have to chase after a socially accepted ideal
  • I made a lot of life changing decisions
  • I am much more balanced nowadays.

Welchen Vorurteilen begegnest du?

  • “Do you not have any friends, or why are you doing this alone?!”
  • “Isn’t it really exhausting to walk all day!?”
  • “Sleeping in dormitories? I couldn’t do that.”
  • “Is there even any civilization out there?”
  • “Oha! You walked to Spain on foot?”

Lin was not dissuaded by all the prejudices and made her own experiences.

Lin’s three tips against the feeling of loneliness::

1. Allow the feeling and do not not counteract it with a mobile phone right away.
2. Find out why you are feeling lonely right now.
3. Approach people and invite them for a drink.

What helps you when you are feeling lonely?

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In our Girls for Girls Online Magazin we introduce girls that follow their passions. With this they change the world. For themselves and for others.

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Which of your fears have you ever actively addressed??

What are your tips against loneliness?

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