Kristina studied Criminology and Violence Research. Did you know this study course? She works in the field of prevention and counselling in cases of sexualized violence. In her video she talks about her passion and what she wants to pass on to other girls and young women. Watch her video to learn more about what she has to tell. Her aim is to prevent violence.
Trust your gut feeling
Initially, Kristina was unsure if this degree course was the right decision for her. But then right from the beginning, she felt that this was the right decision for her and that this was her passion. At the beginning she didn’t know what field she wanted to work in. Do you know these thoughts? She trusted her gut feeling because she knew she was interested in these topics and is now happy working as a lecturer.

Watch Kristina’s video here and learn more about her and her career:
Hier findest du Kristina auf Instagram
Kristina spricht auf ihrem Account viele interessante Themen an, schau doch mal in ihren Account rein und lass dich von ihr inspirieren.

“Find out who you are, what you like, and go get it!”
Kristina, 29 years old
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