At this time of year, the alarm clock rings for most people when it is still pitch dark outside. The sun only shines when you are at school, have your online lectures or are at work, but before you have time to enjoy it, it has already disappeared behind a big cloud. Filling up on vitamin D isn’t particularly easy at the moment, but luckily you can find out in this article how you can fill up on energy for your everyday life so that you can deal with challenges in a more relaxed manner.
How to get a new energy in your home – Marijke Smittenaar persuades you to use smoke
The 23-year-old is Founder & Content Creator at Marijkesmitt and comes from the big city of Berlin. She was on RTL 2 for a year and a half and today she explains how she finds more peace within herself.
“Nowadays it is very difficult to keep your inner peace in everyday life. My tip is to smoke incense. I smoke out my apartment every day and sometimes several times a day. Just send out all the bad vibes and let good energies in again, take three deep breaths and go wild to one’s favourite song. After that I always feel better and I notice how I slowly feel more peace inside me again.”
Our breath can be an anchor for us in chaotic times – Anna Lautwein has a simple tip
The Cologne singer is 27 years young and vocal coach of well-known singers and influencers such as Diana zur Löwen. From her, you’ll learn exercises to get calm.
“My daily routine includes breathing exercises. They are important for me as a singer but also for me as a person and can really be helpful in very many situations in life. In order to calm down, my diaphragm has to become active so that my abdominal wall rises and falls when I breathe. I prefer to practice this while lying down, as it is most relaxing. I simply place my hands on my body below my belly button and feel my breath move my abdominal wall. It’s wonderfully calming!” (Anna Lautwein)

intombi for girls – so you can be part of it too!
In our #girlsforgirls Online Passion Magazin we introduce you to exciting and super strong young women, projects and important tips about a passion. For a successful start into the future – according to our motto #girlsforgirls !👭💕🌍
Digital or analog? This is how Alexandra Potratz strikes a balance
Our Alex (33) is the founder of intombi. Besides diapers, pacifiers and baby food, the new mom still has time to take care of her other baby, her girls’ organization intombi. In addition to top time management, she manages this with the help of her inner calm.
“Zoom work meetings, Skype dates, WhatsApp friend groups, Family Facetime, Google Hangouts cooking classes and yoga webinars – everything is going digital in this Corona time. It’s all kind of new, sometimes alienating, and at the end of the day results in a life of digital chaos for many. I like digital and yet there is chaos for me too in this time of pandemic, in this time of digital. My answer and my compensation in this special time is simple and perhaps also a bit dusty: walking. Is there actually a nicer word for this, a more casual one? I don’t think so. It is as simple as it sounds. Take a walk (I found an alternative after all) and everything is relaxed. I used to think walking was overrated and maybe even a bit pointless if there was no goal associated with it. But today, walking is the new goal, the new destination at the end of a digital week.” (Alexandra Potratz)

In the first part of the 1st Advent week you already learned which tips are really helpful in a chaotic everyday life. Our breath can be an anchor for us in chaotic times because it is the most powerful controllable instrument of our body. How we breathe tells an incredible number of things about our current mood. For this reason, breathing exercises are an ingenious technique to listen to yourself. It is also of great importance in which atmosphere you take the time for yourself.
1st week of advent: calm in chaos – competition with Laura Malina Seiler
The first week of Advent is dedicated to the following quote from Elizabeth I of England:
“I am a rock that bends to no wind.”
To get some peace in chaotic times, we have thought of something very special for you. Win one of the three wonderful works by Selflove Queen and author Laura Malina Seiler. In addition, there is a little intombi surprise in each case. The prize is:
✨ I AM card set: Strengthening inspirations for every day
Book: «Schön, dass es dich gibt» Laura Malina encourages you to create an extraordinary life for yourself and to allow yourself to believe in yourself and your own creativity. This book will remind you that you are the creator of your own success and show you a way to live your own definition of success.
Weekly planner “May you be happy” – 52 exercises and beliefs for a higher self.
Answer the following question in the comments and you’re in the draw:
What helps you to keep a cool head in chaotic times?

You can participate until Sunday 06.12.2020 – 16:00. The winner will be chosen at random and contacted by message. Fingers are crossed. Participation is possible from 14 years, the legal process is excluded. The prize can only be sent within Germany.
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