Pictures: Manor Lux
Do you find it difficult to relax sometimes, especially before going to sleep? Many others experience the same. Through smartphones, social media, etc. we are always in exchange with others and always available. This can lead to unconscious stress. Taking conscious breaks is very important, especially before going to sleep to wind down. Take deep breaths and relax – is it that simple!? Taking deep belly breaths when dealing with acute stress can totally help. How to do it best is shown to you by Hannah with her yogi exercise. Watch the video for further explanation.
Are you also restless sometimes and do not know what to do with yourself? Hannah has the right exercise for you to fall asleep better and relax. Everyone knows these days when it can be challenging to fall asleep. In this video, Hannah shows you a belly breathing method which does wonders to help you have better sleep.
Feel free to watch the video and let yourself be inspired by the exercise presented to you by Hannah.
PASSIONBREAK – Episode 6 with Hannah
Hannah in a new edition of PASSIONBREAK. Watch the video here:
Passionbreak – Episode 6: Yogi Breathing
So funktioniert diese Bauchübung
Probier es aus und entspann dich dabei!
- Lie down on your back and place your feet parallel while bending your knees.
- Place one hand on your chest and the other one on your belly.
- Close your eyes.
- Breathe in and out deeply.
One more tip from Hannah:
Turn on some music while doing this breathing exercise to wind down. Hopefully, you can sleep better and relax after.
PASSION PÄUSCHEN – Die sechte Folge mit Hannah
PASSION PÄUSCHEN ist unsere intombi-Sendung für dein Wochenende. Hannah, intombi-girl aus Köln, lädt dich jedes Wochenende dazu ein, ein aktives Päuschen zu machen. Denn die Suche nach der eigenen Passion und das Leben des eigenen Traums kann ganz schön erfüllend und gleichzeitig anstrengend sein.
Verpass kein PASSION PÄUSCHEN und folge uns dazu auf Instagram @intombiforgirls.

intombi for girls – verpasse keine News mehr
In our #girlsforgirls Online Magazinwe present to you interesting and very strong young women, projects, and important tips all about passion every week. For a successful start in the future all following the motto #girlsforgirls !👭💕🌍 This column, Kolumne his column is supported by the Sparda Foundation. The Foundation Kunst, Kultur und Soziales of the Sparda Bank wants to support the topic of the profession of young women.
How helpful was this exercise for you?
How does falling asleep work for you?
Let us know in the comments below!
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