Art and culture are omnipresent and trendsetting. You don’t think so? But it’s true. And why that is and what art has to do with our future is revealed to you by actress Stephanie Lexer.
Art and culture are omnipresent – The project ART is relevant creates awareness
Like many others, Corona has hit artists and the cultural sector particularly hard. All the commissions and jobs on which people live have disappeared overnight. But why are art and culture so important for our society and how do they even ensure a better future?
Actress Stephanie Lexer (31, from Munich) has asked herself this very question and provides an answer with her project “ART is relevant – ARTist relevant”. Together with three colleagues, she launched the project at the beginning of the year. They want to create awareness for the importance and necessity of art. “Imagine a world without it. Just for a moment. It’s not even imaginable, because it’s everywhere and omnipresent,” Stephanie explains.
“Just imagine a world without them. Just for a moment. It’s not even imaginable, because it is everywhere and omnipresent.”
Stephanie Lexer
This is why art and culture are relevant
“Art and culture are not only relevant, they are essential and shape our society. This is exactly what we are passionate about, because we also stand up for the responsibility of art. We create what is seen and felt, we reflect society in the stories we tell, diversity or, unfortunately, the lack of it.
We have the chance to show the world as it is… or even better, to show how it could be. And we do this through the most diverse means and ways. Because stories are not only there to entertain, they are also a way to provoke thought or (even better) empathy, to keep alive, to provide inspiration, to trigger inner fires of passion, to be an engine forward or a retreat inward.
intombi for girls – how you can be part of it!
👉 We are also interested in your story! In our #girlsforgirls online passion magazine, we introduce you every week to exciting and super strong young women, projects and important tips, all about a passion. We call this week – PassionWeek! 🤩 For a successful start into the future – according to our motto #girlsforgirls !👭💕🌍 Contact us and become the author of your life story – info@intombi.de
You can find art and culture everywhere
Take a look at your everyday life and see where art and culture can be found. Your clothes? A picture on the wall? The sofa you’re sitting on? The colours you use to let off steam on the canvas? Youtube? Netflix? TikTok? Where does art begin for you? Can art help you deal with some problems? To process them?
ART is like a good friend, she is always there and at your disposal. Here and there it hopes for your support and your commitment, your appreciation. But she, the art, is always there for you! And that’s how it should stay, hence #artistrelevant.
Acting is her passion
I am passionate about my profession because it is much more than “just” a job. It is also a way of thinking, feeling, observing… and not only for working on the characters, but also an urge of constant growth of oneself. I never stop growing, learning, dedicating my life to this passion and investing time, money, sweat and blood into my job. And gladly so.
If I hear “had you learnt something decent” one more time, I start a fundamental discussion. Every person has a choice about what they want to do with their life, what contribution they want to make to society, what footprint they want to leave on the world. And in my opinion, it is no one’s place to judge another person’s “plan”. Why should they? We are multi-layered, multi-faceted beings and together we make a great whole. Why should everyone have the same path? Society wouldn’t work that way.
Stephanie’s 3 Girl Power Tips
1. So my tip would really be to network. Combine your strengths and support each other. Above all, pay attention to the fact that social media often does not present an accurate picture of reality. How easy it is nowadays for everyone to “optimise” their own image with an app. But an awareness not only of how easy it is, but also of the fact that we also tweak it according to the quite questionable “standards” is essential.
2. Furthermore: Share your feelings with your friends. Too often, people feel that they are alone with certain feelings. In my experience, however, everyone has their problems, hopes, desires, wishes, fears and we are much more similar than what seems to separate us. You are not alone in your inner turmoil.
3. And in terms of art and culture… see if you can discover a creative way of expressing yourself. Let art inspire you. What touches you? What do you resonate with? Where does art help you connect and feel connected? Where does it make you uncomfortable and why? What stories interest you? What worlds do you want to see? Can art be healing? What should art be able to do for you? Feel free to write to us at act@artistrelevant.com. Maybe we can find networking points?!
Credit: Hannes Magerstaedt Credit: Jeanne Degraa Credit: Hannes Magerstaedt Credit: Hannes Magerstaedt
Thank you dear Stephanie for your interview and your great commitment to your passion!
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