Photo: Shadi Mahayni
As a politically engaged model, Vivien tells you why politics is her great passion. She tells you why it’s cool to get involved in politics and form your own opinion in order to help to shape your own future – and she explains three current political developments. Because: Politics affects us all and every vote counts!
My passion? Definitely politics!
Politics is my passion because politics determines the rules of our social coexistence: In other words, the framework within which my life takes place. The big social issues have always been exciting for me, and they can’t be discussed without politics,” Vivien tells us.
Vivien (24, from Berlin) is a successful and popular model. But she is not only incredibly pretty but also has quite a lot of brains and brains! Her heart beats for politics. As a studied media scientist she is politically very active herself and uses her influence to educate and bring younger people closer to the understanding of democracy. To this end, she works, among other things, as a values ambassador for the non-partisan organization GermanDream.
… the majority of young people* feel that their concerns are not sufficiently taken into account by politicians, and a significant minority (20 percent) hardly takes part in political life?
… 80 percent of young people* in Germany want to have an influence on politics?
… young people* in Germany primarily use digital participation opportunities and are in favor of more online participation to make their voices heard?
*14-24 years (source: Studie “Jugend will bewegen” der Vodafone Stiftung)
Politics? What does that have to do with me?
“I only really understood that politics was my passion after I graduated from high school in 2014. I graduated from high school in 2014. During school, politics seemed seemed dry and abstract, along the lines of “What does that have to do with me? to do with me?” That’s probably going to be very different in schools nowadays, just because of Fridays For Future but that’s how it was in my day. But when I realized the importance of politics, I saw it as my civic, democratic responsibility to be informed about what’s going on in politics. 1. to be able to vote in elections with a clear conscience, and 2. and 2. because I want to understand what is going on.
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Understanding politics! – Vivien explains 3 current political developments
1. Who knows what? – Tangible issues: Youth have definitely become politicized again in the last 5 years – which is clearly due to issues that are very tangible to everyone: Refugees, Environment, Corona. Everyone has an opinion on these three topics, and everyone can form an opinion on them quite quickly – even without being politically educated. The topics speak for themselves. The situation is quite different with topics that require much more explanation (for example, democracy as a system in itself, tax policy, foreign policy, energy policy, financial policy).
But you can clearly see here that as soon as people understand what is at stake and what impact it has on their lives, they get involved with their political views. But politics is complex – which is why topics that speak for themselves (such as environmental protection) have a much easier time getting onto the political agenda, because they become more popular more quickly and therefore pick up more people who are otherwise less interested in politics.
In other words, it is precisely because people tend to form an opinion too quickly when it comes to self-explanatory terms, but without having the necessary basic knowledge, that the political situation is currently very emotional in some cases. And this often results in emotion before knowledge. For me, that’s not really a positive thing. Apart from that, however, I would also like to see the following from politicians:
Vivien’s wish and request to the great politicians
2. Strong together – group dynamics: Once some of your friends are involved, the inhibition threshold is much lower for you, as a person who is “distant” from politics, to get involved. And maybe even to stay on the ball. Environmental protection in particular is not a one-day affair and is highly complex. But above all, it’s the issues: They don’t seem so complex, and you think you can quickly decide for or against one side – even if the whole thing isn’t so simple in the end.
3. Say it loud and spread it – social media: Social media has also played a key role in boosting the trend of young people getting involved in politics. Of course, because: Young people’s lives are played out much more clearly in social media than in older generations. than in older generations. And as soon as politics becomes part of life, it is also reflected in social networks. Apart from the fact that you can reach a lot of people virtually. This has been known at least since Rezo everyone.
Once people understand what is at stake and the impact it has on their lives, they advocate for their political views.
Vivien Wysocki
How to get more women power in politics! Viviens#girlsforgirls tip for your political engagement
Very clear: Women make up half of the population – accordingly, we should also have a say. For the first step, you can become a member of a political youth organization of the big parties – there are always many opportunities to participate and you are introduced to political processes. The experiences there are instructive and you understand on a small scale how politics is done on a large scale.
But if you don’t want to choose a party, there are countless independent parties: There are countless party-independent organizations that are predominantly dedicated to a core political issue. Take GermanDream, for example. This organization, for which I am also a values ambassador, is mainly about democratic values.
But regardless of that: be brave, take responsibility and seize opportunities!
Thank you dear Vivien for the great and honest interview!
Passion-Gewinnspiel: Win the book from #GermanDream von Düzen Tekkal
What is Germany today? How do we want to live together as a society? Against the background of her experiences as a war correspondent and human rights activist, Düzen Tekkal makes a strong case for a new kind of constitutional patriotism: For an awareness of the preciousness of our democratic values, coupled with a willingness to stand up for them when they are threatened. If you want to learn how Düzen Tekkal envisions a better Germany, enter this sweepstakes.
Answer the following question in the comments and you’re in the draw:
What does politics need for you to understand it better and to be able to help shape it?

You can participate until Friday 04.09.2020 – 12:00. The winner will be chosen at random and contacted by message. Fingers are crossed. Participation is possible from 14 years, the legal process is excluded. The prize can only be sent within Germany.
The time will soon come for us, too – we can once again vote for who will politically lead our districts (municipalities) in NRW. All of us who are older than 16 can vote together in the local elections on Sunday, September 13, to decide on the political leadership. But where should you put your cross? Who actually stands up for what and what does it all mean? If you’re still not sure, take a look at 1Live’s Kanditencheck. Here you’ll not only find out about the election goals, but also interesting personal insights from the candidates.
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