To accept life the way it is, is often the best decision to make if you are not able to change anything. To be mad and upset about the situation will neither get you in a good mood nor change anything. Learn to trust that in the end, everything will turn out okay. In this time, you will grow mentally. Franziska Benz is going to tell you what makes her smile and how you can manage to not carry the heavy burden of the current situation on your shoulders.
Et kütt wie et kütt und et hätt noch emmer joot jejange (meaning: you should take things as they are and you will be okay)
Franzi (32 years old, from Cologne) is our intombi ambassador, a passionate actrice and a real happy-go-lucky person. When she is out for a walk with her dog Django, when she is doing yoga or when she is talking about justice and sustainability, you can see one thing: A kind and infectious smile glowing up every room.
“Since I live in Cologne I have been taking a Colognian saying to heart: “et kütt wie et kütt und et hätt noch emmer joot jejange”. For me, this sentence conveys a lot within these short sentences: Simplicity, confidence, acceptance, trust in life and a great portion of humour. I love the Rhenish way of living and whenever I hear or say or think about this saying, a smile escapes my lips and everything becomes much lighter.” – Franziska Benz
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In our #girlsforgirls Online Passion Magazin every week we introduce you to exciting and super strong young women, projects and important tips about a passion every week. For a successful start into the future – according to our motto #girlsforgirls !👭💕🌍
Which event or situation in the past reminds Franziska Benz to look in the future positively? She reveals it in the video…
The future may be uncertain. However, we should not let it be a hindrance to pursue our dreams. Hopes and dreams are our inner fuel which we should perceive as an important source of energy. We should look forward to our future, especially when the present is not as rosy right now. Is it harder or simpler for you to dream of a better future in hard times?
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