Routines as feel-good moments in your daily life

Every new day is a new chance

Routines in your everyday life – what does that actually mean?

Routines offer us a basis which can strengthen our well-being in the long term. They help us to stay in a productive state. Rituals continuously practised by us make us feel good. In the best case, they are practised daily or weekly as a solid part of our everyday life. Daily routines can be practised in different kinds of manners.

For example, as a morning ritual to start your day by listening to a certain kind of music or practising yoga, or as an evening ritual, drinking a delicious tea or applying a face mask. Try it out for yourselves and even after a short amount of time, you can achieve pleasant changes. Watch my video to find out more:

Welche Routinen sind dir im Alltag wichtig?

intombi for girls – don’t miss any news

In our #girlsforgirls Online Passion Magazin every week we present exciting and super strong young women, projects and important tips about a passion. For a successful start into the future – according to our motto #girlsforgirls !👭💕🌍 This column is sponsored by the German Postcode Lottery.

In the new Girls for Girls TV Column we will show you with personal videos strong female rolemodels, which strengthen young women.

Have you already integrated routines into your daily life? Which ones have impacted your life? Write to us in the comments below! Your Esther, from the intombi team💕

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