You have a lot of great ideas in your head that you would like to put down on paper? Then go one step further than writing them down in a diary or bullet journal. Become an author yourself and write your own book. How? Young author Marit gives you 7 crucial tips. In addition, publishing expert Verena tells you in her #passionstory why she loves books so much and how she helps authors to realise their future dreams.
Dream job publisher – Verena’s passion story
“Publishing is my passion because every book is always something new and a little adventure. Because you can never finish reading and you learn more and broaden your horizons with every project,” Verena (39 years old, from Munich) tells us about her passion.
Together with Julia (38 years old, from Munich), Verena has been running the Komplett-Media publishing company, which we introduced to you in our Komplett-Media Verlag, which we introduced to you in our last article, since 2016. “We never learned publishing in the true sense of the word,” she tells us. “But maybe that’s just our secret. Basically, I came to publishing a bit like the virgin to the child. It was a mixture of ‘being in the right place at the right time’, luck and the courage to just go for it. But a certain hands-on mentality and the ability to make decisions cannot be denied.
Working as a publisher – Challenge and opportunity at the same time
The challenge and opportunity in one is that there is no prescribed timetable for publishing. Every project is always new and different. You never know where the journey will take you. That’s mainly because you’re always dealing with people, so it’s also always personal work. Since we are a small but fine publishing company, we don’t know any long, cumbersome and bureaucratic decision-making processes. This chance to live out our passions for topics unrestrained is what we see as a great speciality,” Verena explains to us.
intombi for girls – how you can be part!
👉We are also interested in your story! In our #girlsforgirls online passion magazine, we present exciting and super strong young women, projects and important tips around a passion every week. We call this week – PassionWeek! 🤩 For a successful start into the future – according to our motto #girlsforgirls !👭💕🌍 Contact us and become the author of your life story – info@intombi.de
Enabling young female authors future dreams
“Writing is a creative and sometimes difficult process. Some of it is about destinies, formative experiences, stirring themes. As a publisher, you accompany the author on this path – from a white sheet of paper to the printed work that you proudly hold in your hands at the end. I negotiate with authors and agents and accompany a book from its idea to the finished printed product. Together with our team, I think about its layout, title and cover. To go down this path again and again is an absolute enrichment for one’s own life.
Verena’s #girlsforgirls expert tip
I can only encourage young girls to dare to do things that at first sight seem a bit big. Others also boil with hot water. When opportunities present themselves, go for it!

Become an author yourself – Marit’s 7 tips for you
You may already know Marit (25 years old, from Hamburg) from our fashion article. Besides her great passion for fashion design, with which she even founded her own label Makema, she has another passion: writing. She has published her first youth fantasy novel ‘A Hundred Chances: Departure into the Uncertain’, which will also be published as a paperback in autumn.
Here she has compiled her most important tips on how you too can write a book:
Marit’s tips summarised for you:
- Develop an idea: Construct a plot around your idea.
- Plot: Before you start writing, divide your plot into sections.
- Develop characters: Get a feel for your characters and flesh them out.
- Just start writing: Just start and write away.
- Understand the needs of the story: Check your story for inconsistencies in plots or characters.
- Revise what you have written: Re-check everything for errors (including plot line and reading flow).
- Have a read-through: Give your finished draft to friends to proofread.

Passion Book Recommendation: “A Hundred Chances: ‘Departure into the Uncertain” by Marit Warncke
We would like to recommend to you the fantasy novel ‘A Hundred Chances’ by Marit: ‘Departure into the Uncertain’.

*this article contains unpaid advertising
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