
Free yourself from self-doubts, like Marisol Prada did

Marisol wears a white shirt and is sitting in front of a white wall. She looks at the camera.
Marisol Prada

Confidence, Trust and Love are the three magic words, that helped Marisol enjoying and loving her life. There is no room for self-doubts. Here you get the advice of the day to free yourself from all the voices that limit you.

Free yourself from the urge of receiving acknowledgement of others

Marisol Prada (33 years, from Seelze close to Hannover) is a very talented and successful hair- & make-up artist who is passionate about transforming the beauty industry into a more sustainable and environment friendly one.

TRUST! That is what is written in bold letters in my life. It is strongly linked to a saying of Buddha: “we are what we think. Everything we are, occurs out of our thoughts. We create the world with our thoughts.”

Free yourself of the urge of receiving acknowledgement of others. As long as you think of what others think about you, you are strongly dependent and not free to reach out for your own dreams and to live your true self. Moreover, who wants to live a life that is appreciated by all others but not by him- or herself? – Marisol Prada

What reminds Marisol Prada that her inner critical voice was wrong? She is telling it to you in the video…

Was tun, wenn die Selbstzweifel wieder an die Tür klopfen?

Be your own best friend and believe in you. If you listen to your heart and lower the volume of your inner critical voice, than you can follow the way that is just the right way for you. Always focus on your minor daily successes and you will see how many important steps you have taken already. A fortune diary can support you on this way in a very efficient manner. Maybe you already have one?

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