What can you do to feel great today? ❤️
We all know about the power emitted from positive emotions gained from our own experiences. They motivate and strengthen us. In fact, we can reinforce our emotions by ourselves by using them as a resource. This can be achieved by creating situations which lead to positive emotions, e.g. by being in contact with people who are dear to us, helping others, or taking care of ourselves. If we do this consciously, positive emotions in our daily life can reinforce our performance.
Enjoy the following video:
Positive emotions by Barbara Fredrickson
Positive emotions contribute to our mental health and motivation.
In this context, Barbara Fredrickson, a successful scientist for “Positive emotions research” has revised ten positive emotions.

These positive emotions can be generated by us through different situations or they can be reinforced from within us, e.g. being in positive company, forming a healthy relationship towards new experiences. So, it is important to surround yourself with people you want to spend time with, who strengthen or reinforce our positive emotions, and whom you feel comfortable with and loved.
Have you ever heard of positive emotions? Which of them has had an impact on your life so far? Write to us in the comments below. Love, Esther from the intombi team
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