Daily Homeschooling Routines

Every new day is a new chance

What can you do today to make yourself feel good? ❤️

The previous motivational article focused on the topic of routines and how routines can support us effectively in our daily lives. Johanna sent us an article about this topic. She is currently in homeschooling and in this context, she also has routines that she follows, that she looks forward to and that support her in everyday life.

Here’s what Johanna’s homeschooling routines look like

Today I had classes from home again after a long time. That means I have school as usual according to the timetable, except that the lessons take place in the form of a video conference. On this day, I didn’t have as many video conferences, but rather had to work on my assignments independently and then hand them in online. Depending on when my first conference starts, the first thing I do is make myself breakfast. This is my favourite part of my morning routine.

Check out my Daily Vlog from my life in homeschooling

The first lesson I had today was biology. An online lesson is similar to what happens in school. First, we check attendance and then the class starts. Often, the teachers create PowerPoint presentations that we can watch on the screen. Our breaks are also scheduled as usual according to the timetable. Today the weather was nice so I went for a walk with my dog during my break. In the afternoon, I worked on the rest of my assignments that I didn’t get done during class.

Johanna’s Don’ts for Homeschooling

I noticed that in homeschooling you often neglect your routine. For example, I often woke up just before the video conferences started, so I didn’t have a real morning routine, which had always been very important to me. Friends have told me that they also got up shortly before classes started and sometimes started the conferences in their pyjamas. I think that if you get ready in the morning as if you had a “normal” school/work day, then you automatically feel much more motivated for the day.

Also, you should really take the time to work on the assignments you get during class. It’s often very tempting to stay in bed instead of doing schoolwork, but I always had to catch up on the work at the end of the week, which wasn’t ideal either.

Do find routines helpful for your everyday life? And which routines do you follow in your everyday life? Tell us in the comments!

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