Primary school, secondary modern school, grammar school or college (In Germany, there are three types of high schools. Depending on your grades in primary school you visit a certain type of school.)? The list of different types of schools is variable however, the special needs schools are oftentimes forgotten. Nina Lumina is 24 years young and from Cologne. She is studying for a Master’s degree in remedial education at the University of Cologne. In this article, you will find out which criteria led her to her course, where she sees herself in seven years and which life hacks she wants to give you.
1. On basis of which criteria did you choose your course of study?
You can choose different kinds of subjects and main emphases in your course of study hence special needs schools can be divided into different types of schools. There are ones for children and teenagers with self-impairing, emotional or behavioural disorders or mental impairments.
👍 The course has influenced my picture of humankind greatly and I have learned many interesting things and have met many people.
👎 When considering the teacher training the course takes a lot of time and one has to be much organised. Moreover, the contact with the lecturers at the University of Cologne is very impersonal and superficial.
2. Where do you see yourself in seven years because of your course of study?
As a teacher and especially as a remedial teacher, I have very good professional opportunities. Remedial teachers are very much needed on the job market and the pay is also very good. In seven years, I see myself teaching a class full of different and interesting kinds of personalities.
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3. How would you describe your course of study in five words?
Variable, flexible, lengthy, personality developing, theoretical.
Nina’s girls-for-girls-life hack:
Be helpful to other university students. Be pleased with other students’ success and work as a team. My girlfriends and I helped each other out all the time by sharing our knowledge and by reminding each other of submissions.

Now you have gained an insight into the life of a university student studying remedial education. Do you have any further questions? Then write us in the comments below!
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